Recommended Offer by Connells Limited

Rule 2.4 announcement

Rule 2.11 communications following the Rule 2.4 announcement

Rule 2.7 announcement and announcement of a recommended increased cash acquisition

Rule 2.11 communications following the Rule 2.7 announcement

Consent letters in respect of the Recommended Increased Cash Acquisition announcement

Irrevocable undertakings given by directors of Countrywide plc

Irrevocable undertakings and the letter of intent given by shareholders of Countrywide plc

Publication of Scheme Document

Constitutional documents

Recent financial information of Countrywide

Recent financial information of Connells

Consent letters in respect of the Scheme Document

Offer-related agreements

Connells financing documents

Rule 15 letters and forms of election

Consent letters in respect of the Rule 15 letters

Shareholders’ meetings on 15 February 2021

FCA change of control approval and timetable

Scheme Court Hearing

Scheme of Arrangement Becomes Effective

Countrywide Plc Scheme of Arrangement Becomes Effective

Other statements and documents